SoCalGas Multifamily Energy Savings Program

Reduce Your Gas Bill and Usage at Your Building

SoCalGas® Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

Do you own or manage a multifamily building that has a central domestic hot water system serving at least two dwelling units? If so… then you might qualify for a no-cost, AutoHot Temperature Modulation Controller.

Take advantage today of the SoCalGas® Rebate for The AutoHot Temperature Modulation Controller; ie Gas Saving Controller. The controller will turn any basic water heater or boiler into an economizing smart system and will reduce your monthly water heating gas bill by up to 20 percent. 

The rebate covers the cost of the controller and installation. There are no upfront costs or expenses.

Have One Installed Today

How To Apply For One

Signing up to receive an AutoHot Temperature Modulation Controller is easy.  Just fill out the digital application and submit your SoCalGas® bill through the application or by sending us an email.

We will qualify your property through this program to ensure your multifamily property is eligible to receive the gas saving incentive. We install these controllers all throughout Southern California helping thousands of multifamily property owners save on utility costs. 

 The Application


How The Temperature Modulation Controllers Work

The Temperature Modulation Controller automatically adjusts the water temperature based on hot water demand at your multifamily property. 

AutoHot_Temperature Modulation Controller

During peak periods of hot water use (e.g. daytime) your water heater or boiler remains at its existing set-point temperature. During low/no periods of use (e.g. late at night) the controller automatically resets to a slightly lower temperature, matching heating capacity to demand, and saving energy.

If there is a demand for hot water, your water heater or boiler will heat to precisely the correct temperature no matter what time of day or night.

Remote Monitoring Features

  • Monitor your system remotely. As an optional no-cost or subscribed service, the AutoHot Temperature Modulation Controller can connect to a Wi-Fi network and provide remote access to your hot water system data. Get notified of potential hot water system issues before tenants find out the hard way!
  • Remote Monitoring is not contingent on receiving a controller. You have the option of not having this service provided given you do not have a signal or have opted out. You will still benefit from the AutoHot saving your property each month on your monthly gas bill.
Eligibility Requirements
  • Must be a multifamily building with a central water heater serving at least two dwelling units.
  • Residential/individual gas bills from tenants do not qualify.
  • Must be a customer of SoCalGas®

For More Information on the SoCal Gas® – Southern California Multi-Family Rebate Program, please Contact Us.