AutoHot Meets Program Requirements for Demand Based Controls.
AutoHot meets the program requirement for demand based controls for hot water recirculation pumps.
A DOE Zero Energy Ready Home is a high performance home that is so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most or all of the home’s annual energy use. That is where our on demand controls come into play.
Each DOE Zero Energy Ready Home meets rigorous efficiency and performance criteria found in the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home National Program Requirements.
The Residential AutoHot Demand Recirculation System eliminates the wait for hot water in any home or light commercial plumbing system, saving thousands of gallons of water per year.
One of the key benefits is that they can be used on any tank, tankless or heat pump water heating system.
Another bonus that you should keep in mind is that they meet the most current energy code requirements for recirculation pump demand controls including I.E.C.C and California Title 24.(
For more questions on The Residential AutoHot Demand Recirculation Systems, please feel free to contact us.
Attribution: TNAH
Zero Energy Ready Home Program | Department of Energy